Fan Jiang


School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering,Wuhan University

Master of photogrammetry and remote sensing


Tel: 15735182535



I am currently studying in the GPCV (group of photogrammetry and computer vision) of School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University, My supervisor is Prof. Shunping Ji. I work in the field of visual slam / multi-sensor fusion / mobile mapping system.

Internship Experience

1. 2020.06-2020.09 Tencent. Automatic driving business center of CSIG

mono visual SLAM tightly coupled with IMU and Wheels

• Initialization conbined with Mono, IMU and wheels.

• Tracking and Mapping using sliding window.

Educational Background

2018.09-2021.06 Wuhan University photogrammetry and remote sensing Postgraduate
2014.09-2018.06 Taiyuan University of Technology Surveying and Mapping Engineering Bachelor

Research Project

1.Panoramic SLAM from a multiple fisheye camera rig based on direcr method (In charge / under research)

• The camera model of DSO is modified and the parameter setting of photometric affine transformation is adjusted

• The photometric error function and Jacobian matrix of panoramic imaging are derived

• Spherical epipolar search, spherical coordinate inverse depth update formula derivation


2.Calibration of internal and external parameters for multiple fisheye camera rig(In charge)

• The general camera model and isometric projection model are used to calibrate the internal parameters of the single fish eye camera

• Three dimensional calibration field is used to calibrate multi camera external parameters, and Ceres is used to optimize internal and external parameters


3.Panoramic SLAM from a multiple fisheye camera rig based on indirecr method(participate in)

• Responsible for the derivation of spherical EPNP formula and spherical Jacobian matrix

• Responsible for g2o part of custom nodes and edges, back-end optimization part


4.Matlab toolkit for geodetic coordinate transformation(In charge)

• Complete the conversion tool including geodetic coordinate system, geographic coordinate system and projection coordinate system

• Complete simple traverse adjustment and leveling network adjustment program

• Complete settlement rank defect free network adjustment and gross error detection


5.Design of geodetic city / mining area independent coordinate system

• Accurately set the action area of design coordinate system

• The design of independent coordinate system is better than 1/80000 to meet the requirements of comprehensive deformation measurement in * * coal mine

• The design coordinate system adopts equiangular projection


6.Analysis of geological hazards in Taiyuan City

• The influence factors are rasterized and reclassified, and finally weighted superimposed

• ArcGIS software is used to build the model, generate the analysis result map and make quantitative statistics

Honor Rewards

2018 Second class scholarship for graduate students of Wuhan University
2016 National Encouragement Scholarship
2016/2017 Academic scholarship of Taiyuan University of Technology

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